European Association for Public Administration Accreditation
“assures the quality of European Public Administration programmes by evaluating programmes”

Founded in 1999
The European Association for Public Administration Accreditation (EAPAA) was founded in 1999 by a group of European universities, to develop and maintain a system for the voluntary accreditation of academic public administration programmes in higher education. It has since evaluated programmes in a wide variety of countries.

Until 2010, the programmes were the members of the association. In 2010, the membership was transferred to the European Group for Public Administration (EGPA) and the Network of Institutes and Schools of Public Administration in Central and Eastern Europe (NISPAcee), who jointly appoint members to the EAPAA board.

EAPAA is an autonomous organisation, consisting of three bodies. The board, which operates independently, determines the strategic vision of EAPAA and supervises the activities of the secretariat. The secretariat organises the day-to-day activities of the organisation, in particular the site visits. The accreditation committee, which is fully independent from the other two bodies, makes decisions regarding specific programmes and determines the quality standards underlying those decisions.
The Accreditation Committee makes the final decision on programmes, It also decides on the accreditation criteria and procedures, as well as its own membership. The Committee is completely independent and not subordinate to the Board of the association.

Prof. Calin Hintea (Chair)
Babes-Bolyai University

Prof. Ellen Wayenberg
Ghent University

Prof. Thurid Hustedt
Hertie School
Berlin Germany

Prof. Lise H. Rykkja
University of Bergen

Dr. Duco Bannink
Vrije Universiteit
Amsterdam The Netherlands

Prof. Ringa Raudla
Tallinn University of Technology

Prof. Aleksander Aristovnik
University of Ljubljana

Prof. Gyorgy Hajnal (Chair)
Corvinus University
Budapest Hungary

Prof. Sabine Kuhlmann
(representing EGPA)
Universität Potsdam

Mrs. Ludmila Gajdosova
(representing NISPAcee)
Executive Director NISPAcee

Prof. Juraj Nemec
(representing NISPAcee)
Matej Bel University, Banska Bystrica
Slovak Republic

Prof. Jean-Michel Eymeri Douzans
(representing EGPA)
Institute of Political Studies in Toulouse
The EAPAA Scretariat organises and prepares the accreditation process, the General Meetings and the meetings of the Accreditation Committee. The secretariat is located at the University of Twente (The Netherlands).

Prof. Taco Brandsen
Radboud University Nijmegen
Nijmegen School of Management
P.O.Box 9108, 6500 HK
Nijmegen The Netherlands
e-mail: secretariat@eapaa.org

Mrs. Seeta Autar
Manager of and contact for the secretariat
P.O. Box 217, 7500 AE
Enschede The Netherlands
tel: +31-53-489-4408
e-mail: secretariat@eapaa.org