European Association for Public Administration Accreditation
“provides a forum for discussion on quality and accreditation”

Categories of programmes
In line with the Bologna Treaty of 1999, EAPAA recognizes different categories of programmes:
- First cycle bachelor level public administration programmes;
- Second cycle graduate/master level public administration programmes;
- Executive/mid career public administration master programmes;
- PhD programmes on public administration.

Types of quality evaluation
Since programmes are different in nature, EAPAA awards different types of quality evaluation:
Although the evaluation processes are in many ways similar, there are some differences.

The accreditation process places more emphasis on academic multi-disciplinarity, internationalisation and the research-based element of programmes. This is suited to academic programmes at a mature stage of development and with an international orientation.

The certification process puts more emphasis on training for the national public service and is a lighter procedure at lower costs. Certification can be pursued independently or, for programmes that aim to become more internationally oriented, as a first step towards accreditation. If programmes are uncertain which type of evaluation is best suited to them, they are welcome to contact the EAPAA secretariat for advice.