European Association for Public Administration Accreditation
“provides a forum for discussion on quality and accreditation”
In certain cases, it may be possible to integrate EAPAA evaluation into another accreditation process, such as national accreditation or evaluation by another international agency. This may significantly decrease the administrative burden of the process.
This integration can be realised in different ways. The most far-reaching kind is that there is one self-evaluation report produced for both agencies, which is used as the basis for a joint site visit by an integrated committee from both organisations. The conditions are (a) that the report offers the information necessary for the evaluation of all EAPAA criteria, (b) the joint site visit team complies with EAPAA criteria and (c) the evaluation report of the joint site visit team is sufficient for assessment by the EAPAA Accreditation Committee. However, various hybrid forms are possible, as long EAPAA can make an independent assessment of the programme in question.
Since this requires thorough planning, programmes interested in integrating different procedures should signal this as early as possible.
We have clustered all our documents on this page.